Ivanka Trump Plastic Surgery: The Amazing New Boobs


Before giving a brief analysis over Ivanka Trump Plastic Surgery and her boobs, we will see a little introduction about her.

Ivanka trump is a beautiful former model, a writer and a also business woman. Her father Donald Trump is a well-known Real Estate Developer and a Businessman in America (Updated: and now the U.S. President). She got married in 2009 to Jared Kushner, and they have 2 children.

Ivanka Trump Plastic Surgery Rumor:

latest ivanka trump after plastic surgery 5

It is going wild nowadays that Ivanka trump undergoes the plastic surgery. Many of her fans reckon, that it is only the effect of plastic surgery, which helps her look amazing.

As we all know that Ivanka belongs to a rich family and it’s doodle for her to get plastic surgery in order to maintain her appearance.

But according to her fans, they felt a conspicuous change in her nose and breasts. Although, after getting plastic surgery her nose and breasts look more alluring than before.

We will go from the top to the bottom, before going to Ivanka Trump boobs, let’s talk about her nose.

Face Structure of Ivanka Trump in 1980:

ivanka trump nose and hairs in 1980
In this image, the structure of Ivanka’s Nose can be easily observed. But still we cannot say that she has undergone a Nose Job. As she is in growing age in this pic and in this age face structure rapidly changes.

Ivanka in 1997 with New Style:

ivanka trump in 1997

And here comes the “Brunette Ivanka Trump”. She was 15 with her brown hair that was totally changed from blonde and with her BOLD Nose. At that age, she had an alluring look of her whole body.

You can also see her breast and further you will feel conspicuous in her breast shape and size.

Ivanka’s Nose in 1990’s:


There is nothing to do with her nose. As a matter of fact, she had a cute appearance. Don’t forget to notice about her most modelesque blonde hairs.

Ivanka Trump in Younger Age:

ivanka trump in younger age

It is the most horrible photo of Ivanka Trump (should have hidden under the pillow). It seems that she had a fatty body at that age. Or it can be photographer’s mistake that he captured the picture from the wrong angle.

Ivanka in 1990 Before Plastic Surgery:

Ivanka trump before and after

This picture was captured in 1999. This time, her Blonde hair completely changed into Brown and it looks more natural than brown hair. Not only hair are changed, you can also notice Ivanka’s Nose and boobs.

Little Bit Change in Her Hair Color:

ivanka trump before surgery in 2004

This picture seems to be before her plastic surgery, as it is of 2004. On the other hand, you can observe her Nose. It looks smarter than before. Overall face structure has become more elegant. She also changed her hair color as you can see in the picture. Read also Melania Trump

Ivanka in 2005 – This Could be the Effect of Nose Job:

ivanka trump plastic surgery 2005

This time, you can easily notice that there is a clear-cut change in her nose. It becomes narrow now. She looks cuter in her brown blonde hairs. This shows that she had a continuous Botox Injections. Her cheeks are now more clear and clean; there are no rashes on it.

Now The Best Part, Ivanka Trump Amazing New Boobs In 2006:

after nose job and breast implantaion

This picture was captured at Hollywood, California on Oct.29, 2006. Rumors about her plastic surgery and breast implantation said to be true. You can see her healthy Tittens. Obviously, she looks more beautiful and alluring but we all know that this is not her natural beauty.

ivanka trump breast augmentation

And here is another view of her Tittens for those who still don’t believe on Ivanka’s breast implant.

Ivanka at Golden Globes in 2007:

after surgeries ivanka in 2007

This was a shocking moment for all the celebrities at 64th Golden Globe, when she came with such an enticing appearance. However, she looks more alluring after her Nose Job and Boobs Job.

Did Ivanka Had a Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Rhinoplasty surgery changes the Nose Structure according to the face structure of a patient. It can also correct impaired breathing that is caused by structural defect in Nose. It is also Known as Nose Job.

ivanka trump after rhinoplasty surgery

This picture was also captured in 2007. Once again, there is a noticeable change in her Nose. It becomes too narrow and appeared to be shinier. At this time, we can’t say that it is due to the camera angle, or what so ever.

It is a perfect picture after Rhinoplasty surgery. As she is of 27, so we can say that it is due to her weight loss. Maybe she changed diet plan or something like that.

Second Rhinoplasty or Weight Lose System (2008):

ivanka trump second rhinoplasty

Ivanka is changing rapidly. Her face structure going to be thinner and narrow. It can be her second rhinoplasty surgery.

Mostly, rich people or businessmen and women, especially those who belongs to Showbiz splurge lot on Plastic Surgery. To maintain their facial and body appearance, most of the celebrities are extravagant.

Ivanka trump is one of them. Moreover, it could be the effect of using weight loss products. Weight loss products do not lose the fats from the body but also from entire face.

Ivanka After Pregnancy:

Although, this picture was taken during her pregnancy. Still you can figure out her Nose shape and overall face structure.

ivanka trump before after

You can notice that there is no change in the above pic during her pregnancy and after pregnancy. Doesn’t it look so weird that there is no change on her face? Here is latest news regarding Patricia Heaton Plastic Surgery

Ivanka Trump Plastic Surgery in 2012:

Once again there is a variation in her hair color. After many years, she turned herself from Blonde to Brunette. You can also check out her cheeks, these are appeared to be filled with Filler Plastic Surgery. And as you can see, Ivanka Trump boobs are very attractive with her new look.

Latest Picture After Ivanka Trump Plastic Surgery:

This is the most latest Picture of Ivanka Trump after her plastic surgery rumor. Her Face is turn to low with her age increment. She is of more than 30 years and nearer to 40.

More Images of Before and After of Ivanka Trump Plastic Surgery:

before and after ivanka trump plastic surgery

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latest ivanka trump after plastic surgery 3 latest ivanka trump after plastic surgery 2

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