Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna Put The Legal Drama Behind


Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna Put The Legal Drama Behind – Instagram

There is almost a resolution in the latest saga with the Kardashians. Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna are looking to solve their issues and put the legal drama behind them.

The ex couple has delayed their latest hearing in court in an attempt to work things out on their own. The couple broke up back in December. The latest court date was set to be a hearing on the basis of a restraining order. That hearing was pushed pack until mid September. This will give them more time to resolve the issues on thier own.

According to the legal team for Chyna, they are looking to work things out on their own. If not than they will head to court. Chyna has a temporary restraining order against Rob that was issues on July 10th.

Rob has to stay at least 100 yards away from her and cannot post any pictures on social media sires. In the past Rob posted nude pictures of Chyna online and stated that she cheated on him and did drugs. He also said he paid for all her bills including weight loss surgery.

Even though they do not have contact with each other they are able to co parent their daughter Dream who is 8 months old. There is no legal agreement but they have 50/50 custody of the child. They are able to work out their schedules so they can co parent together. There are two nannies that alternative the time with Dream. There is a nanny that is with her 100 percent of the day even when she is sleeping.

While there is no official agreement with the couple and they may still have some legal issues they are taking steps to work this out. Hopefully this means the end of the social media feuds for the sake of the child at least. Only time will tell what happens.


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