Macklemore recently was the recent victim of a head on collision with a suspected drunk driver.
photo: big stock – LOS ANGELES – MAR 5: Macklemore, aka Ben Haggerty at the 2017 iHeart Music Awards at Forum on March 5, 2017 in Los Angeles, CA
The `thrift shop` hit maker is believed to have walked away from the accident unharmed after his car was involved in a head on collision. This event occurred on Friday night.
According to the information acquired from the Washington State Patrol trooper, Macklemore otherwise known as Benjamin Haggetry was involved in an accident a few days past.
Macklemore was driving his 2016 Mercedes Benz in his native home at around quarter past 10 p.m. The accident occurred when the 24-year-old driver who is believed to be driving a Chevy pick up, crossed the center line and hit Macklemore`s vehicle in a head on collision.
Although the Grammy Award winning accident did not suffer any major injuries, the 24-year-old suffered from some minor cuts and bruises. In fact, according to the Washington Police Department, the pickup truck driver was the rushed to the hospital where he was also arrested for driving under the influence.
His blood was drawn for further testing and for evidence purpose. The rapper since then taken to social media to announce that he is alright though his Mercedes might need some major car servicing.
Just a few days ago, the rapper shared playful personal videos, whereby he showcased his fidget spinner moves to the world.
In addition to this, he also took some time out on Tuesday afternoon to debut his new music video that would be officially released on Wednesday morning. His Instagram account feature a photo with a caption that reads, `TOMORROW… #Marmalade,`.
With that being said, the accident caused huge concerns among his fans about his safety. He has since then taken to social media to clarify any doubts and confirm his safety as well as the debut of his new music video.