Aomi Muyock Teeth – Before and After Pictures




Aomi Muyock, a Swiss actress who was born on January 14, 1989, is most known for her role in Gaspar Noé’s divisive 2015 film Love. Swiss model Muyock made her acting debut in the 3D sensual film Love in 2015. She speaks Italian with ease and was raised in the Canton of Ticino. Her father is a sculptor and painter, and her mother is a painter, photographer, and writer.

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Aomi Muyock Before and After

Model, artist, and actress Aomi Muyock made her acting debut in the shocking drama “Love” by French director Gaspar Noe. On both critics and fans, Muyock’s open and sincere performance left a lasting impression. They were eager to learn as much as they could about the newest movie star, but the actress’s life story is not well known.

Aomi Muyock Youth and childhood

On January 14, 1989, Aomi Muyock was born in the Italian-speaking Ticino region of southern Switzerland. The model speaks Italian fluently because she spent her childhood here. Aomi’s parents are members of the creative elite; her father is a sculptor and painter and her mother is an artist, photographer, and writer. In her youth, Muyock herself frequently switched jobs. Aomi resided in Switzerland up until the age of 15 when she traveled to Paris to begin modeling. The teenage model collaborated with photographers like Ellen von Unwerth, Patrick Demarchelier, and Annie Leibovitz in the “city of lights.”

The model enrolled in a flight school at the age of 18, and she eventually earned a PPL. Aomi eventually had to put her modeling career on hold and move back to Switzerland to be nearer to her family. There, Muyock started instructing young children in drawing.

Elektra in the film “Love” starring Aomi Muyock

At the club in 2015, Aomi meets the scandalous director Gaspard Noe, whose films frequently have the appearance of an exploding bomb during film festivals. Noe offered the model the lead role in the sexual three-dimensional drama “Love” because the eccentric filmmaker was taken with the mysterious appearance of a young woman who somewhat resembled Vanessa Paradis. Aomi Muyock said, “I didn’t give Gaspard Noe my number when he initially tried to contact me because I didn’t want to be an actress.”

The talented Frenchman’s movie ended up being about more than just love, or as the movie’s tagline puts it, “about the futility of prohibitions.” Noe did not impose any restrictions on the actors: the movie was successful and exciting, bordering on pornographic honesty, and Noe attended numerous film festivals, including Cannes.

Muyock portrayed Elektra in this movie, who, along with Murphy’s ex-boyfriend (Karl Glusman), is searching for an external solution to internal conflicts. Together, the couple engages in a variety of sensual and physical pleasures as they attempt to forge a strange kind of relationship.

How did Aomi Muyock teeth fare?

Unusual information: Muyock had an accident six years before the publication of the book “Love” that necessitated a protracted recovery and ongoing medical care. She had to have three front teeth extracted right before the trip to the Cannes Film Festival (two incisors and one canine) as a result of a series of procedures that did not go as planned. Aomi insisted on traveling to Cannes despite knowing that teeth would not be replaced so quickly, and pictures of the actress without teeth quickly went viral.

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Currently Aomi Muyock

The actress prefers to keep the details of her private life private. Aomi Muyock acknowledged that she doesn’t feel like an actress and model in an interview with the online magazine Monster Management. The star has never been able to be a permanent fixture and does not represent herself well in acting classes or auditions. However, Aomi acknowledges that she would accept an offer for a good project right away.

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