Carly Fiorina Plastic Surgery: Forehead Botox Injection


Have you heard if Carly Fiorina plastic surgery? Either it was just a rumor or not, it’s believed that Carly had a forehead botox injection to get rid of her wrinkles.


The Difference Is Easy To See

Carly Fiorina is an American business woman and CEO. She is known for her role as leader of companies AT&T and Hewlett Packard. Many speculate that she has undergone various plastic surgery procedures in recent years. The difference can be seen in photo comparisons in head shots which appear on her books.

Forehead Botox Injection

It has been suggested that Fiorina has had botox injections in her forehead, as well as in her cheeks and lips. During some of Carly’s speeches, many people responded with shock at the fact that when she raised her eyebrows no wrinkles appeared on her forehead. Therefore suggesting that she must have had work done. See Dolly Parton plastic surgery who also had botox injection.

Perhaps, like many older women, Carly wanted to reverse the effects of aging to make her skin look tighter and more youthful. However, as is often the case when we interfere with the process of aging, she has begun to look less expressive due to her lack of wrinkles. Now, when Fiorina smiles it looks faker, as wrinkling around the eyes and on the forehead is natural when we express emotion on our faces.

Fans’ Thoughts About Carly Fiorina Plastic Surgery

There has been a mixed reaction to Fiorina’s facial plastic surgery. Many are saying that she looks meaner and less natural now. Meanwhile some others say she looks great and much younger, which I suppose was the point. Before and after photos of Fiorina show a definite difference in her face, as her skin seems more taught.

Although Fiorina is a politician, she is still subject to media criticism for her supposed surgeries. Critics often look to female politicians and point to their appearances as a way of undermining their political agendas, where this is less of a concern for men who for some reason are allowed to age in any way they want.

My Thoughts

When a woman’s face starts to sag and wrinkles start to appear it is a different story. In my opinion, the media puts too much pressure on celebrities to maintain their beauty standards, and once natural processes such as aging start to occur this pressure only increases. The media begin writing how people look old and haggard.

This criticism is directed at women more often. I think that there is an unhealthy obsession with looking youthful and radiant, even though it is completely normal for women to start obtaining wrinkles, age spots and sagging skin.

It is hard for women to feel confident and attractive when there are people constantly pointing to their flaws. It’s sad that Fiorina had botox when she was aging so gracefully, but I can also understand her reasoning and if it gives her more confidence to be someone who deals with the public, then I see no problem with it.

Bottom Line


Although it is obvious about Carly Fiorina plastic surgery, her procedures don’t change her appearance drastically. Although her skin looks tighter and doesn’t have the same softness of aged skin, she still looks like a normal woman of age. I think it is a shame that she felt as though she wanted to have these procedures done, because wrinkles only show that we have felt emotions and I think that this is beautiful. Wrinkles show that we smile, that sometimes we have been sad, stressed and angry.

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